Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Innocence Lost - (Part One)

Region: New Spain (Napa)

Innocence Lost
(Part One)

“So we’re really going to do this?” Tara asked looking back at Cecily nervously.  Cecily just rolled her eyes and looked toward Gina saying “She’s gonna chicken out on us and you know it.”  “No she won’t Cess. Now stop giving her a hard time and be quiet.”  Gina responded flashing a broad smile at Tara while reassuring her.  “This is going to be so simple and when we are done just think about all the money we will have.  We can finally get a place we can call home and not have to deal with shit like this anymore ok?”  Tara agreed, shaking her head yes, returning a nervous smile to Gina.  If anyone could calm Tara down and lead this rag tag group of outcasts it was Gina.  Gina was always the one the group looked to for the smart decisions, any decision for that matter, so today was no different.  The only thing that changed was that instead of bringing their brand of thievery and recklessness to the people of Napa they had a bigger target in mind.  Today they were going to blow up a train, Queen Lo’s train.

Three nights ago Gina had drove into town with the girls following at her heels.  They were tired, filthy and badly in need of a good meal.  Stealing and robbing from unsuspecting travelers was becoming more and more difficult especially in Napa.  Since Hepatitis X ravaged the world and brought out the worst in most places people did what they had to do to survive.  For the last three years the girls had managed to make it on their own with only one another to depend on while avoiding the dreaded military enlistment or other life draining jobs their friends and family had taken just to survive, but now times were getting tough.  People were getting smarter and deadlier.  The general life of raiders and thieves was becoming all the more dangerous with each passing day.  If something didn’t change soon Gina knew that she and the other misfits would soon be a family no more.