Monday, October 28, 2013

Retrospect (Part Three)

Region: Unknown
Nathaniel Alistair

(Part Three)

As Nathan sat there hoping for the bustle outside to die down a discussion was going on not too far from where was.   He recognized the voice he had heard earlier that evening.  “It’s probably those darn girls I ran off earlier.”  The soldier from the alley said.  “Who” asked another voice?  “I don’t know, Erica and Julia’s kid and few others. They were smoking out back after curfew and between them and huge cat fight it made my patrol not so boring so I sent them home with a warning.”  There was a slight pause and third female voice entered the conversation.  “Well we are supposed to clear the area and check all the empty houses or HQ will pitch a fit.  Why don’t you two check the houses over there and I will look at these few.”  The conversation didn’t last very much longer and the soldiers were off to search the houses including the one Nathan was now hiding in.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Trust (Part Three)

Region: Key West
Lyn & Jack

(Part Three)

Eventually something has to happen I thought to myself, standing there at the mercy of these two heavily armed women.  No sooner had I thought that than had Cassidy walked away turning her back on me.  Was this my chance?  I looked at Lyn for any clue as to what was going on and all she did was motion with her hands for me to stay where I was while she mouthed the words “Please Wait’ and so I did.  I really had no reason to listen to her but I took the chance and hoped for the best.  I turned my attention back to Cassidy who had walked over to a work bench at the opposite end of the garage and was pawing around on it.  Soon she turned around and walked back toward us, or rather me and when she got close threw something at me.  I flinched not really knowing what it was and when the rag hit me in the chest I am sure I looked pretty confused.  “I am sorry about the nose. It’s been a while since I have actually dealt with a guy who I am supposed to be nice to.” She said with a sarcastic smile but I could see the distrust in her eye.  I knew that when she said it’s been a while what really she really meant was she had never had to deal with it.  I started to wipe some of the blood, my blood, off of my hands and face. The bright side was at least now I wasn't really bleeding anymore but boy would I be sore tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Retrospect (Part Two)

Region: Unknown
Nathaniel Alistair

(Part Two)

Nathan stood in a narrow hallway allowing time for his eyes to adjust to the darkness.  Over the past few years he had grown very accustomed to moving around in the shadows and this was not going to be any different.  He used to have a pretty nice set of NVGs (Night Vision Goggles) which would have made tonight a whole lot easier but a short while back he was caught in another dangerous situation where he was forced to flee without them.  “Better the goggles than me.” He thought to himself as he squinted his eyes trying to make out what was ahead of him.  Always on the run, hiding from those who hunted him, hoping to remain a free man for at least one more day; this is what Nathan’s life had become.  Each day it was the same routine and Nathan was determined to find somewhere better.  Someplace he didn’t have to look over his shoulder every single second of the day wondering if it was his last.   But before he could find the freedom he so desperately desired he had to stop here, at this house, one last time.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Retrospect (Part One)

Region: Unknown
Nathaniel Alistair

(Part One)

It was dark and Nathan was getting tired of waiting. He had been squatting down behind a row of trash cans for nearly an hour now, patiently, and his legs were getting very sore. He could feel a tingly and burning sensation crawling up his thighs as his muscles begged for a reprieve. As an added insult he happened to be standing in a small puddle and could finally feel the moisture creeping up through his boots and into his socks. The gang of girls just a few yards away from him had been loitering and doing nothing of any importance now for nearly an hour now and Nathan had just about had enough. He shifted his body just a bit to find a more comfortable position and as he did so he accidentally bumped into the can closest to him, causing it to make a small bit of noise. “Shit” he thought to himself and held his breath.

Monday, October 21, 2013

What Once Was the U.S.A

In attempt to capture our world in it's current state The 8th Day plans to provide updates to our world maps and offer them to you, our loyal readers and followers.  Although we do not have any true cartographers working with us at the moment, some of our sisters with firsthand knowledge of the regions, have managed to put together a map of what was once known as the United States of America.  There are many regions of unrest, rebellion and all out war not reflected on this broad scope map but as we become aware of safe havens or dangerous places to avoid we will be sure to notify you the best way we can.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Trust (Part Two)

Region: Key West
Lyn & Jack

(Part Two)

Time crawled as I stood there in the darkness. The few minutes I waited unrealistically stretched into hours and time beyond that. I paced nervously, in my new, at the most four foot cell, wondering how I even allowed myself to end up in this situation. I stopped at each new crack of sunlight that materialized with the change of day and stared out into the silence beyond. Eventually I grew tired of this practice and resigned myself to the quiet of waiting. I sat on the floor and thought about the days of yesteryear. In my head, visions of a world where I could walk down a busy city street without concern for my safety or that of my friends and family swam by. I saw myself sitting at a table in outdoor quaint café, admiring the women in their sundresses as they walked by and flirted with their eyes. I saw college parties and football games. I saw everything I would never have again. I was lost in thought but recovered fairly quick and very alert when I heard approaching voices. I stood on my tip toes and found a crack with the best view and watched as the garage door swung open once more. There in the sun stood two silhouetted figures. My heart skipped nervously as I instantly could tell they were soldiers.

Friday, October 18, 2013

The Y Imperative

The year is 2024 and it has been ten years since the majority of men across the world were killed off by a virus. Only 10% of the men in the world population have survived the disease known as Hepatitis X and only one out every one hundred of those who have survived can still actually produce children. This is an anthology that compiles a few of the stories of the remaining men on earth.

Hepatitis X was created somewhere around the year 2012 by an Israeli doctor named Shifra Shamir who had been brutally gang raped while traveling on a public bus in India. She did her best to recover but as she buried herself in her work at a prominent research facility her hatred for men grew and festered until finally she decided to do something about it. Her intent was to get revenge on those who took part in her rape and for those who stood by and did nothing to help her. Consumed by her revenge she did not realize the destruction she would soon introduce to the world by creating Hepatitis X.

Since the day Shifra set loose the infamous virus the world has changed. For the first two years men died and the bodies piled high while no one knew what to do. Governments fought and fell and tyrants rose. Women now ruled where men once faltered, in some parts of the world that was not a bad thing at all, but in others it only meant a new kind terror and oppression replaced the old.

These are the stories of these hard times, during the beginning, the present and the near future, some are good and some are bad, but they are all a part of the world we now live in.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Trust (Part One)

Region: Key West
Lyn & Jack

(Part One)

She lays there asleep as I watch.  She doesn't know I am there enjoying the rise and fall of her chest and the soft smile on her face as she dreams.  Slowly I shed my clothes allowing them to pool on the dirt floor by her bed as I step towards her.  I raise her worn blanket and stealthily slide in behind her spooning my body against hers. I am greeted with a whispered and welcoming moan.  She nuzzles back against me contouring her body to the shape of mine as I run my hand across her exposed thigh.  She is wearing only a pair of silk panties and nightshirt.  At least that is the guess made by my exploring fingers.  When she finally opens her eyes and looks back at me it is accentuated by her bright baby blues and her warm smile.  She does not show fear or distrust.  She doesn't care how I found my way into her room or why now I am laying with her in bed.  She simply enjoys the moment.  As she stares me down, her mind wondering about something I can’t fathom, I quietly whisper “Good morning Lyn”.  Without uttering a single word her response is simple and immediate; moving her hands to my neck, she pulls me in for a long and sensual kiss that makes us both forget we have places to be today.

A few hours have passed and as she lies against my chest, exhausted and smiling, while slipping in and out of sleep, I stare out into the distance listening to the gulls cry while watching the crash of the waves on the nearby beach.  As I think to myself how I could stay here forever, with her, I almost miss the sounds of approaching boats.  In that same instance Lyn must have heard it too because she is suddenly standing in front of me with her hand shading her eyes, squinting into the blazing sun, past the white sand beach and scanning the blue water for wherever the sound is coming from.  When her gaze finally settles on the two dark objects I spotted moments ago rushing across the water toward the beach in front of us, panic floods across her face.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

And on the 8th Day

Imperative is from Latin imperare "to command," and its original use was for a verb form expressing a command: "Do it!" is an imperative sentence. It's still used that way, but it's more commonly applied to something so pressing it cannot be put off: "Saving the male of species has become imperative." It has more immediate force than pressing but less than urgent.

 Y Chromosome – Is a sex chromosome of humans and most mammals that is present only in males.

Many of you have read and shared the stories of the Y Imperative and for this I am happy, but they are not just my stories.  They are the realities of the world we live in.  It has become increasingly difficult to put the stories of our world out there for all to see and learn from.  No matter how many times I must move or how many times I must find a new way to reach the world I will do so.  They can shut down as many servers they want or break through as many as encryptions as I can create.  I will continue to fight for the freedom we all deserve.