Wednesday, October 16, 2013

And on the 8th Day

Imperative is from Latin imperare "to command," and its original use was for a verb form expressing a command: "Do it!" is an imperative sentence. It's still used that way, but it's more commonly applied to something so pressing it cannot be put off: "Saving the male of species has become imperative." It has more immediate force than pressing but less than urgent.

 Y Chromosome – Is a sex chromosome of humans and most mammals that is present only in males.

Many of you have read and shared the stories of the Y Imperative and for this I am happy, but they are not just my stories.  They are the realities of the world we live in.  It has become increasingly difficult to put the stories of our world out there for all to see and learn from.  No matter how many times I must move or how many times I must find a new way to reach the world I will do so.  They can shut down as many servers they want or break through as many as encryptions as I can create.  I will continue to fight for the freedom we all deserve.

I have been called many things, The Archivist, The Librarian, trouble, wanted, dead, The Collector, a myth but most just refer to me as The Curator.  A name I have willingly embraced.  I have made it my life's purpose to ensure men are treated equal and are allowed to remain free in this new world.  Some of you who read this despise me for that very statement.

We rose from the ashes of what once was, knowing that women being suppressed and treated unfairly was wrong.  This is not a reason for us to completely reverse our standing and seek some sort of misguided vengeance.  We are no better than those who came before us who felt someone was inferior just because of their sex.  If we are going to ensure the survival of mankind we must do so together.  This means we must embrace men as our equals.

Men are not meant to be hunted, captured and destined to live a life of slavery.  They are not meant to be locked away in breeding factories.  In order for us to continue as an intelligent species we must learn from the mistakes of our past and plan for the future.  We must allow them the same freedoms that we enjoy.

Sadly my identity remains hidden for now because some of you out there do not understand what it is I am trying to express to you or to others.  I watch as the bounty on my head climbs higher and higher and am saddened by those who wish to erase my opinions and the opinions of others.  But none the less I take comfort in the fact that you can never stop me from trying to make the world a better place.  You can never stop the stories from getting out.  I take solace in knowing should I falter more will rise to take my place and trumpet the rights of equality and all that surrounds the concept of freedom for woman and man alike.

You can never stop the 8th Day Press.

Reluctantly hidden but always here 
   The Curator

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