Thursday, October 17, 2013

Trust (Part One)

Region: Key West
Lyn & Jack

(Part One)

She lays there asleep as I watch.  She doesn't know I am there enjoying the rise and fall of her chest and the soft smile on her face as she dreams.  Slowly I shed my clothes allowing them to pool on the dirt floor by her bed as I step towards her.  I raise her worn blanket and stealthily slide in behind her spooning my body against hers. I am greeted with a whispered and welcoming moan.  She nuzzles back against me contouring her body to the shape of mine as I run my hand across her exposed thigh.  She is wearing only a pair of silk panties and nightshirt.  At least that is the guess made by my exploring fingers.  When she finally opens her eyes and looks back at me it is accentuated by her bright baby blues and her warm smile.  She does not show fear or distrust.  She doesn't care how I found my way into her room or why now I am laying with her in bed.  She simply enjoys the moment.  As she stares me down, her mind wondering about something I can’t fathom, I quietly whisper “Good morning Lyn”.  Without uttering a single word her response is simple and immediate; moving her hands to my neck, she pulls me in for a long and sensual kiss that makes us both forget we have places to be today.

A few hours have passed and as she lies against my chest, exhausted and smiling, while slipping in and out of sleep, I stare out into the distance listening to the gulls cry while watching the crash of the waves on the nearby beach.  As I think to myself how I could stay here forever, with her, I almost miss the sounds of approaching boats.  In that same instance Lyn must have heard it too because she is suddenly standing in front of me with her hand shading her eyes, squinting into the blazing sun, past the white sand beach and scanning the blue water for wherever the sound is coming from.  When her gaze finally settles on the two dark objects I spotted moments ago rushing across the water toward the beach in front of us, panic floods across her face.

Lyn scrambled across the room pushing me along the way as she spoke with hurried words.  “You can’t be here. They cannot find you here.”  For a moment I thought I was wrong about her.  I was second guessing the idea that she was different than the other women I have come to know as of late.  I was grabbing for my clothes and boots but froze in place as she grabbed her gun off the dresser.   We stood there in silence staring at one another.  I could swear she was struggling with something in her head.  Finally she spoke, “Well hurry up damit!  Get dressed; we need to get you hidden.”  I swallowed hard in relief and jumped into my pants.  The roar of the boats was getting closer as we scrambled out her door and down the walk way between all the heavy green trees and tropical shrubs.  She ran in front of me barefoot, ducking here and there, only wearing her pink panties and yellow camisole, determined to get someplace.  Even though it was one of the most dangerous moments of my life, me trusting this girl I just met a short time ago, I couldn’t help but smile at how damn sexy she looked as she scampered ahead of me.

We got to a rundown garage where she hurriedly pulled the door open and directed me to go around an old black car as she herself opened its creaky door and scrambled into the driver side.  I rushed to the passenger door and began scrambling inside myself when she looked at me with a cockeyed stare and smiled.  “No sir, this thing don’t go nowhere, you need to be pushing.”  I looked her quizzically as she dropped the gear shift into drive.  “Well hurry up!” she yelled as she pushed against the steering wheel while digging her bare feet into the ground for traction.  Thank god it was as small car and really light because she already had it moved about 5 feet by the time I got to the back end.  Just as I got ready to throw my weight into she slammed on the brakes and I ran right into the trunk face first.  You could tell she did a lot of things like this on her own.  As I stood there rubbing my nose, which stung like a mother fucker, she ran from the car to where I was standing and started pushing me yet again.  I stumbled back confused, my eyes still watering from the smack on my nose and then I realized her intent.  Below where I had just stood was what seemed to be a door which led into the floor.  She tossed it open and told me to get in. I did so quickly ignoring the random thought that flashed through my head of how this is what Dorothy’s family must have felt like as they hid in the basement one stormy Kansas day.  When I was all the way down she slammed the door behind me drowning me in a hazy dust filled darkness. 

My heart was racing as I peered out through one of the small cracks in the floor.  Between blinding glints of sunlight and shadows I watched as she intently moved about, kicking some dirt and whatever junk was piled around the floor onto the door I had just been shoved through.  I then watched, breathing heavily as she leaned into the car pushing it back to its original position.  She then squatted on all fours by the front bumper, her eyes desperately trying to find me, when they did she exhaled deeply and we both stared yet again at one another in silence.  The pause was gut wrenching and I could feel the thump in my chest pounding, afraid it would echo loud enough to give me away.  She shook her head and flashed a soft smile.  “Don’t move, don’t make a sound until I come back for you. You understand?”  She asked as she backed away.  I shook my head yes and stood there in a dark hole watching as she rose from her feet and walked to the garage door.  The last thing I saw was her standing there backlit, bathed in bright sunlight.  Her dark hair hung across her shoulders as she stood with her hand on the door.  She shook her head once more and closed the door sending me into nearly complete darkness.

To Be Continued...

Region: Key West

Ashlyn Weaver
Jack Steiner

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